Book Indexing Services
If you’re a non-fiction author, book indexing services are a vital consideration before publishing your manuscript. An index is an essential component of your book and will serve as an important reference point for your readers. EbookEhancers offers all of the following benefits of including an index in your book and introduces you to our professional book indexing services.

While not every book has an index, it’s a vital inclusion in many published works. In general, an index provides your readers with a resource to find all of the crucial topics, issues, and references that you’ve presented in your book. Similar to the table of contents, it directs your readers to the various sections in your book containing specific information.
If you’ve ever tried to format an index on Microsoft Word, you will know just how complicated the process can be! After all, there are so many things to consider, and you will need to ensure it’s well presented and organized. But it’s not just about chapters, sub-headings, and page numbers. Compiling an index is like a work of art, and it requires content knowledge and expertise.
Here are some of the key points to consider regarding preparing and publishing your book’s index, as well as details about how EbookEhancers can help you.
What is an index?
An index is a section at the back of a book, which serves as a reference point for your readers. It’s a place for your readers to go if they want to identify a particular section of your text or explore a specific theme or term that you’ve introduced. An index is most commonly sorted alphabetically to ensure it is easy for your readers to navigate.
Within an index, you will see a list of names, places, events, and relevant terms to the subject matter in question. They commonly appear in non-fiction books, mainly reference, and academic publications. They help readers identify a particular section of your book or find out more information about something they haven’t fully understood.
How will an index benefit my readers?
The primary objective of an index is to direct your readers to a place where they can find specific terms, names, or details within your text. In addition to this, a detailed and comprehensive index can help your readers in the following ways:
- Potential readers of your book can scan your index to see if a particular topic of interest is covered.
- Your index provides further context to your table of contents. It is an ideal opportunity for your audience to find out more details about the themes and terminology used within your text.
- For those who have already purchased your book, an index is a handy reference point should they wish to return to something they have already read. This is helpful for students and researchers who seek to quote you on a topical issue.
- What’s more, an index is essential for researchers, and they use it for cross-referencing purposes. Instead of reading a complete body of text to find what they’re looking for, they can check the index and begin their research from there.
- An index also adds a layer of professionalism and gives your arguments credence. It shows that your text is multi-layered and meaningful and provides people with the opportunity to explore further many of the key themes and topics you’ve introduced to your readers.
Ultimately, an index shouldn’t be included for the sake of it or because you think it looks good! Instead, it should be added to help your readers locate important information within your text. Bear in mind that some readers will be more knowledgeable than others, so you should strive to make your index as accessible and straightforward as possible.
How can I benefit from a professional indexing service?
Creating an accurate index is a skill. It’s not simply a matter of listing various terms and page numbers. An excellent index will be a mixture of critical themes, relevant place names, and keywords that you would like your readers to focus on. If you’ve written a piece of non-fiction, an accurate index should be a vital part of your book.
At EbookEhancers, we recognize that indexing is a difficult skill and something that many authors require support with. Our team is experienced in creating detailed and accurate indexes for various book projects, each of which has significantly enhanced their finished text. If you’re hoping to round your non-fiction text off with a comprehensive point of reference, an index will be the perfect addition to your book.
Do I need to include an index in my book?
Not every book requires an index. In fact, most works of fiction don’t have an index, and some non-fiction pieces don’t, either. However, adding an index to your non-fiction book has many benefits, as we’ve already introduced. An index will significantly help students and researchers who read your book and enable you as the author to compile a compendium of critical words, topics, and themes that you would like your readers to pay attention to.
Check out our excellent samples.
As industry experts in producing book indexes for our customers, EbookEhancers is both experienced and trusted. As you can see from the samples we’ve shared below, we offer professional and perfectly formatted indexes for various clients:
Create your Index now with EbookEhancers!
If you’ve authored a compelling work of non-fiction, an index is a perfect way to round off your book. It serves as a point of reference for your readers and allows them to find specific words, themes, and names relevant to your work. You should think of an index as an integral component of your non-fiction book and begin thinking about the various themes and details you would like to include.
At EbookEhancers, we take pride in compiling indexes for our clients, a service we provide in addition to our various other formatting and design features. To benefit from our expert eBook and print book services, contact our friendly team today and get started on publishing your manuscript.